Well it's the 4th of July, and that means summer is halfway over. Thanks to Facebook, the family has re-connected to some old friends for a great time this weekend. On Saturday there was a birthday party with one set of friends and later on that night a barbecue and fireworks with another set of friends. The kids had a ball lighting all the fireworks and watching them go off. I'm pretty sure the adults all enjoyed the food and beer, while watching the fireworks! Unfortunately no pics from Saturday. I forgot my camera which is so unlike me. That's ok though, as I was elected to man the bbq and make sure the ribs, hamburgers and hot dogs all got burned to a crisp! (just kidding - nothing got burned)
Sunday has been pretty layed back. We all took a cue from the cat and just layed in the shade. With beautiful weather in the upper 80's, we hung out around the house and just chilled in the backyard.
One thing about our yard, there is still plenty to see. With the flowers blooming and the garden producing, I found a few things to take pictures of.
As I took pictures of the dahlia's, one of our hummingbird friends came down to check out what I was doing. She was hovering about a foot away from me, but it was too hard to get a picture of her at that distance. This dove has adopted our backyard and has become a permanent fixture around the feeders.
The back bed with some new plants from last weekend. All ready the weeds are coming back!
The bees are loving the lavender. I'm sure that the lavender honey they are making is delicious, wish I knew where the hive was. :0)
The trumpet vine is trying to take over the back corner. I hate to cut it back because I know the hummingbirds love it and so do the bees.
It amazes me, the scrub jay's always know when there are peanuts for them and the squirrels.
This year seems to have been really good for all the birds. The pheobe who hangs out has either had 2 babies or I saw both parents and the baby, either way we have 3 pheobes for the time being.
There are no shortage of house finches for us this year either. 6-8 of them are always under the eve's or on the front porch looking for bugs. I haven't had a single tomato worn this year and I'm sure the birds are responsible for the insect control.
So another weekend is in the books for the 2009 summer. We had a good time here, hope yours was good as well. Until next time.