Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chalk It Up to Labor Day

Today, the Vintage Daughter and I went downtown to Fremont Park to check out the Chalk It Up Festival . Held every year for the last 20 years, the festival is a fund raiser for children's art education in the Sacramento area. There was live music and food, as well as the artists doing the drawings on the sidewalk surrounding the park. With blue sky's and temps in the low 90's it was a perfect way to spend a couple hours.

Don't forget the Roseville Antique Market is coming up in 2 weeks on Sunday September 19th .


Anonymous said...

You know,TVH,I so admire you,you are always spending time with your kids,and I know it must mean so very much,I love these chalk works,how talented,,I can't wait for the upcoming street fair,,I couldnt' make the last one,Dave had "2" strokes,so he is still recovering that's why i have missed the girls so much,,

Thanks for sharing!!


RustyClover said...

Amazing art. wonderful to share cuz in a flash it will be gone!
