Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Magee Marsh Boardwalk May 2, 2018

It felt like it was raining warblers at Magee Marsh today! Took a walk on the boardwalk, got a few picks. #BiggestWeek2018

I personally saw the following

  1. Blackburnian Warbler
  2. Yellow Warbler
  3. Cape May Warbler
  4. Myrtle (Yellow Rumped) Warbler
  5. Bay-breasted Warbler
  6. Chestnut-sided Warbler
  7. Tennessee Warbler
  8. Prothonotary Warbler
  9. Black and White Warbler
  10. Kentucky Warbler
  11. Hooded Warbler
  12. Cerulean Warbler
  13. Palm Warbler
  14. Black-throated Blue Warbler
  15. Black-throated Green Warbler
  16. Northern Parula
  17. Ovenbird
  18. Common Yellowthroat
  19. Northern Waterthrush
  20. Philadelphia Vireo
  21. Ruby-Crowned Kinglet  
  22. White Throated Sparrow
  23. White Headed Sparrow
  24. Lincoln's Sparrow
  25. Hairy Woodpecker
  26. Hermit Thrush
  27. Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
  28. Bald Eagle
  29. American Robin
  30. Catbird
  31. Great Egret
  32. Coot
  33. Red-Winged Backbird
  34. Great Horned Owl
  35. Canada Goose
  36. Blue Winged Teal
  37. Baltimore Oriole
  38. Eastern Kingbird
  39. Great Blue Heron
and some Painted Turtles and a Bullfrog

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